Monday, 8 June 2015

He-Man: The Eternity War issue #7 cover art and release date!

Cover art to issue #07 of He-Man the Eternity War has been released and also the date has been updated to July 1st, 2015. So there is no new comic issue during June...

Check out solicitation info and the cover!


Story by: Rob David
Written by: Dan Abnett
Pencils by: Edgar Salazar
Inks by: Denis "DYM" Freitas
Colors by: Mark Roberts 

Cover art by: Jonboy Meyers
Colors by: Ryan Kinnaird

Journey back to SkeletorĀ¹s first days as a member of the evil Horde, tasked with crushing the great rebellion on planet Etheria. Will SkeletorĀ¹s past provide the key to defeating Hordak in the present?