Wednesday, 30 September 2015

He-Man appears in The Big Bang Theory TV show?

Thanks to the keen eye of member MegaGearMax over at - it looks like in the recent episode of the television sitcom "The Big Bang Theory" (season 9 episode 2)...

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe from DC Comics makes an appearance!

On the table in front of Leonard and Penny are stacks of comicbooks. One of which seems to be the cover with She-Ra in the center. Originally from issue #18 of the ongoing series back in 2014. That same cover was used for the Trade version - Volume 5.

Another screen-shot

The cover to He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #18 pays homage to the classic William George paintings of the Masters of the Universe characters that many kids had as posters.

What did you think of He-Man comic appearing on television?